مرحب بك : كل شي ينمق عبارات الترحيب ويصوغ كلمات الحب لوجودك كل شي ينتظر مشاركاتك الفاعله لنشر الوعي القانوني في المجتمع فاهلا وسهلا بك وبمساهمتك معنا

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

مرحب بك : كل شي ينمق عبارات الترحيب ويصوغ كلمات الحب لوجودك كل شي ينتظر مشاركاتك الفاعله لنشر الوعي القانوني في المجتمع فاهلا وسهلا بك وبمساهمتك معنا
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

قانون اليمني رقم (47) لسنة 1991م بشــأن دخول وإقامة الأجانب

اذهب الى الأسفل

قانون اليمني  رقم (47) لسنة 1991م بشــأن دخول وإقامة الأجانب Empty قانون اليمني رقم (47) لسنة 1991م بشــأن دخول وإقامة الأجانب

مُساهمة  Admin الأحد مارس 11, 2012 3:02 am

قــرار جمهوري
بقانون رقم (47) لسنة 1991م
بشــأن دخول وإقامة الأجانب

رئيس مجلس الرئاسة:-
- بعد الإطلاع على اتفاق إعلان الجمهورية اليمنية.
-وعلى دستور الجمهورية اليمنيــة.
-وعلى القرار الجمهوري رقم(1) لسنة 1990م بتشكيل مجلس الوزراء.
-و بعد موافقة مجلس الرئاسة.
الفصل الأول: التسمية والتعاريف
المــادة(1): يسمى هذا القانون (قانون دخول واقامة الاجانب) .
المــادة(2): لاغراض هذا القرار الجمهوري بالقانون يكون للالفاظ والعبارات الواردة فيه المعاني المحددة ازاء كل منها ما لم تدل القرينة على خلاف ذلك .
- الجمهورية: الجمهورية اليمنية .
- الوزارة: وزارة الداخلية والامن
- الوزيـر: وزير الداخلية والامن .
- المصلحة: مصلحة الهجرة والجنسية والجوازات
- الضابط المختص: من يوكل اليه اي عمل من اعمال المصلحة .
- القاصر: من لم يبلغ سن الثامنة عشر .
- البالغ: من بلغ سن الثامنة عشر .
- الاجنبي: كل من لا يتمتع بالجنسية اليمنية .
- تاشيرة الدخول: الموافقة على دخول الاجنبي اراضي الجمهورية تؤشر من قبل المصلحة او القنصل اليمني او من يقوم مقامه او اي جهة تخولها حكومة الجمهورية لهذا الغرض . .
- الاخراج: اعادة الاجنبي الذي دخل اراضي الجمهورية بصورة غير مشروعة الى خارج الحدود بقرار من السلطة المختصة .
- وثيقة الاقامة: الوثيقة التي تتضمن الاذن للاجنبي بالاقامة في اراضي الجمهورية صادرة من سلطة يمنية مختصة .
- الابعاد: طلب السلطة المختصة من اجنبي مقيم في اراضي الجمهورية بصورة مشروعه الخروج منها .
- تاشيرة المغادرة: موافقة السلطة المختصة على مغادرة الاجنبي اراضي الجمهورية تؤشر في جواز سفره .
الفصل الثاني: دخول الاجانب
المــادة(3): لا يجوز لاجنبي دخول اراضي الجمهورية الا اذا كان حاصلا على جواز سفر ساري المفعول صادرا من السلطة المختصة ببلده او يحمل وثيقة تقوم مقامه من تلك السلطة وتخول حاملها حق العودة الى بلده، ويجب التاشير على الجواز او الوثيقة بالاذن بالدخول وتصدر تاشيرة الدخول على الجوازات من رئاسة المصلحة او اية هيئة تخولها حكومة الجمهورية لهذا الغرض .
المــادة(4): لوزير الداخلية بقرار منه ان يعفي بعض رعايا بعض الدول العربية وغيرها من الحصول على تاشيرة دخول بشرط المعاملة بالمثل بعد موافقة مجلس الوزراء .
المــادة(5): تبين اللائحة الاوضاع والشروط التي يجب على الاجانب اتباعها قبل مغادرتهم اراضي الجمهورية وكيفية الحصول على الاذن الخاص بذلك وتبين اللائحة شروط منح الاذن والسلطة التي يرخص لها بمنحه وصلاحية ومقدار الرسم الذي يتحصل عنه وحالات الاعفاء من الحصول على الاذن .
المــادة(6): لا يجوز لاجنبي دخول اراضي الجمهورية او الخروج منها الا من الاماكن التي يحددها وزير الداخلية بقرار يصدر منه ويجب ان يؤشر الضابط المختص على جواز السفر او الوثيقة التي تقوم مقامة بما يفيد دخوله او خروجه حسب الاحوال .
المــادة(7): يبين بقرار يصدر من وزير الداخلية بعد التنسيق مع وزير الخارجية انواع التاشيرات ومدى صلاحيتها وشروط واجراءات منحها والسلطة المانحة لها وحالات الاعفاء من الرسوم المستحقة عليها وحالات الاعفاء من الحصول على هذه التاشيرات وحالات الاعفاء من الرسوم المستحقة عليها كليا او جزئيا .
المــادة(Cool: يجب على ربابنة السفن والطائرات او المؤسسات التابعة لها عند وصولها الى اراضي الجمهورية او مغادرتها ان يقدموا الى الضابط المختص كشفا باسماء ملاحي سفنهم او طائراتهم وركابها والبيانات الخاصة بهم وعليهم ان يبلغوا السلطات المختصة باسماء الركاب الذين لا يحملون جوازات سفر او يحملون جوازات سفر غير صحيحة او غير سارية المفعول وعليهم ا ن يمنعوهم من مغادرة السفينة او الطائرة او الصعود اليها .
الفصل الثالث: تسجيل الاجانب
المــادة(9): يجب على كل اجنبي ان يتقدم بنفسه بعد دخوله اراضي الجمهورية الى مكتب تسجيل الاجانب او قسم الشرطة في المنطقة التي يقيم فيها وان يحرر اقرارا عن حالته الشخصية وعن الغرض من حضوره وتبين اللائحة التنفيذية الاجراءات والشروط والمدة وغير ذلك من البيانات .
المــادة(10): يعفى من حكم المادة السابقة الاجانب ذوي الاقامة الخاصة المنصوص عليهم في المادة ( 19) عند عودتهم الى الجمهورية بشرط ان لا تزيد مدة غيابهم في الخارج عن ستة اشهر متواصلة .
المــادة(11): يجب على كل اجنبي قبل تغيير محل اقامته داخل الجمهورية ابلاغ مكتب تسجيل الاجانب او قسم الشرطة الذي يقيم في دائرته بعنوانه الجديد فاذا انتقل الى منطقة اخرى داخل الجمهورية وجب عليه ايضا ان يتقدم الى مكتب تسجيل الاجانب او مقر الشرطة المختص في المنطقة التي انتقل اليها خلال فترة 48 ساعة من وقت وصوله اليها ويبلغ عن عنوانه الجديد ويعفى من هذا الحكم الاجانب الذين يقيمون بتاشيرة سياحية خلال المدة التي تحددها اللائحة .
المــادة(12): يجوز ان يعفى الاجنبي من شروط الحضور بنفسه وفقا لاحكام المادة (9) لاعتبارات خاصة بالمجاملات الدولية او لاعذار مقبولة وفي هذه الحالة يحرر الاقرار كتابة على النموذج المعد لذلك على ان يسلم الى مكتب تسجيل الاجانب خلال المدة التي تحددها اللائحة .
المــادة(13): يجب على مدراء الفنادق او اي محل اخر من هذا القبيل وكذلك كل من آوى اجنبيا او اجر له محلا للسكن ابلاغ مكتب التسجيل او مقر الشرطة الواقع في دائرته محل سكن الاجنبي عن اسم هذا الاجنبي ومحل سكنه خلال 48 ساعة من وقت نزوله به . . . وعليه كذلك الابلاغ عن مغادرة الاجنبي خلال 48 ساعة .
المــادة(14): على الاجانب خلال مدة اقامتهم في الجمهورية ان يقدموا جواز السفر او الوثيقة التي تقوم مقامه وغير ذلك من الاوراق متى طلب منهم ذلك وان يدلوا فيما يطلب منهم من بيانات وان يقدموا انفسهم عند الطلب الى رئاسة المصلحة او الادارات التابعة لها او قسم الشرطة المختص في الميعاد الذي يحدد لهم ويجب عليهم في حالة فقدان او اتلاف جواز السفر او الوثيقة ابلاغ قسم الشرطة خلال 48 ساعة من تاريخ الفقد او التلف ويجب عليهم استصحاب وثيقة السفر واذن الاقامة في حالات تنقلاتهم من منطقة الى اخرى .
المــادة(15): يجب على كل من يستخدم اجنبيا ان يحصل على اذن مسبق بذلك من الجهات المختصة وعليه ان يقدم الى مكتب تسجيل الاجانب او قسم الشرطة الذي يقع محل العمل في دائرته اقرارا على النموذج المعد لذلك خلال 48ساعة من وقت التحاق الاجنبي بخدمته وعليه عند انتهاء خدمة الاجنبي ان يقدم اقرارا بذلك الى مكتب تسجيل الاجانب او قسم الشرطة خلال 48ساعة من انقطاع علاقته به .
المــادة(16): لرئيس المصلحة لاعذار يقبلها ان ياذن بالتجاوز عن عدم مراعاة احكام المواد (17،15،14،11،9) من هذا القانون .
الفصل الرابع: ترخيص الإقامة
المــادة(17): يجب على كل اجنبي ان يكون حاصلا على ترخيص بالاقامة وعليه ان يغادر اراضي الجمهورية عند انتهاء مدة اقامته ما لم يكن قد حصل قبل ذلك على ترخيص من رئيس المصلحة لمد الاقامة وفقا لاحكام هذا القانون .
المــادة(18): يقسم الاجانب من حيث الاقامة الى ثلاث فئات:
1- اجانب ذوي اقامة خاصة .
2- اجانب ذوي اقامة عادية .
3- اجانب ذوي اقامة مؤقتة .
المــادة(19): الاجانب ذوي الاقامة الخاصة وهم:
ا: الاجانب الذين مضى على اقامتهم في الجمهورية (20) عشرون سنه متصلة سابقة على تاريخ العمل بهذا القانون وكانوا قد دخلوا اراضيها بطريقة مشروعة ويقومون باعمال مفيدة للاقتصاد القومي او يؤدون خدمات علمية او ثقافية او فنية للبلاد على ان تحدد هذه الاعمال بقرار من الوزير .
ب: الاجانب الذين مضى على اقامتهم اكثر من خمس سنوات متصلة سابقة على تاريخ العمل بهذا القانون وكانوا قد دخلوا اراضيها بطريقة مشروعة ويقومون باعمال مفيدة للاقتصاد القومي او يؤدون خدمات علمية او ثقافية او فنية للبلاد على ان تحدد هذه الاعمال بقرار من الوزير .
ج: العلماء ورجال الادب والفن والصناعة والاقتصاد وغيرهم ممن يؤدون خدمات جليلة للبلاد ويصدر في شانهم قرار من وزير الداخلية ويرخص لافراد هذه الفئات في الاقامة مدة عشرة سنوات تجدد عند الطلب وذلك ما لم يكونوا في احد الحالات المنصوص عليها في المادة ( 31) ولا ينتفع بالاقامة الا الشخص المرخص له بها واولاده القصر الذين يعيشون في كنفه لحين بلوغهم من العمر ثمانية عشر عاما وكذا زوجته اذا كان قد مضى علي اقامتها المشروعة في الجمهورية سنتان من تاريخ اعلان رئيس المصلحة بالزواج وكانت الزوجية ما زالت قائمة .
المــادة(20): الاجانب ذوي الاقامة العادية هم الذين مضى على اقامتهم في الجمهورية خمس عشرة سنه متصلة سابقة على تاريخ العمل بهذا القانون وكانوا قد دخلوا البلاد بطريقة مشروعة ويرخص لافراد هذه الفئة في الاقامة لمدة خمس سنوات يجوز تجديدها .
المــادة(21): تبين اللائحة التنفيذية لهذا القانون شروط واجراءات ومدد الاقامة الخاصة بزوجات اليمنيين الاجنبيات وكذا ازواج اليمنيات الاجانب وما ينتج عن الزواج من آثار .
المــادة(22): الاجانب ذوي الاقامة المؤقتة هم الذين لا تتوافر فيهم الشروط المنصوص عليها في المادتين السابقتين ويجوز منح افراد هذه الفئة ترخيصا في الاقامة مدة اقصاها سنة ويجوز تجديدها .
المــادة(23): استثناء من حكم المادة ( 22) يجوز لرئيس المصلحة ان يمنح بعض الاجانب اقامة لمدة ثلاث سنوات قابلة للتجديد وذلك لاعتبارات تقتضيها طبيعة اعمالهم مثل العاملين بشركات النفط ومشتقاتها ومدراء الشركات والبنوك بالشروط والاوضاع والاجراءات المبينة في اللائحة .
المــادة(24): تبين اللائحة الاجراءات الخاصة بالتراخيص في الاقامة وتحديد ميعاد طلبها .
المــادة(25): لا يجوز لاحد افراد الفئتين المشار اليها في المادتين (20،19) الغياب في الخارج لمدة لا تزيد على ستة اشهر ما لم يحصل قبل سفره او قبل انتهاء هذه المدة على اذن بذلك من رئيس المصلحة لاعذار يقبلها ولا يجوز ان تزيد مدة الغياب في الخارج عن سنتين ويترتب على مخالفة الاحكام المتقدمة سقوط حق الاجنبي في الاقامة المرخص له بها ويستثنى من ذلك الاجانب الذين يتغيبون لطلب العلم في المدارس والمعاهد والجامعات الاجنبية او الخدمة الاجبارية اذا قدموا ما يثبت ذلك .
المــادة(26): لايجوز لاحد الفئتين المشار اليهما في المادتين ( 20،19) الغياب لغير الاغراض المستثناة المذكورة في المادة السابقة الا بعد الحصول مقدما على اذن بذلك من رئيس المصلحة .
المــادة(27): يحدد الوزير بقرار منه اشكال واوضاع وثائق السفر التي تعطى لبعض فئات الاجانب واللاجئين وشروط واجراءات منحها واقتراح مقدار الرسوم التي تتحصل عنها وحالات الاعفاء منها كليا او جزئيا .
المــادة(28): تحدد بقرار من الوزير قواعد واجراءات ادراج اسماء الاشخاص الممنوعين من دخول اراضي الجمهورية او مغادرتها في القوائم الخاصة بذلك وكيفية رفعها منها واللجان المختصة بالبت في ذلك ولا ينفذ قرار هذه اللجنة الا بعد اعتماد الوزير .
المــادة(29): يصدر من وزير الداخلية قرارا باشكال واوضاع بطاقات الاقامة والنماذج المنصوص عليها في هذا القانون والبيانات التي تتضمنها تلك النماذج والاقرارات .
الفصل الخامس: الإبعاد
المــادة(30): يحق للوزير بقرار منه ابعاد اي اجنبي بناء على قرار بابعاده من لجنة الابعاد .
المــادة(31): لا يجوز ابعاد الاجنبي ذو الاقامة الخاصة الا اذا كان في وجوده ما يهدد امن الدولة وسلامتها في الداخل او في الخارج او اقتصادها القومي او الصحة العامة او الآداب العامة او كان عالة على الدولة ويصدر قرار الوزير بالابعاد بعد عرض الامر على اللجنة المنصوص عليها في المادة (34) وبعد موافقة رئيس الوزراء .
المــادة(32): مع مراعاة الاجراءات القانونية لوزير الداخلية والامن ان يامر بحجز من يرى ابعاده حتى تتم اجراءات الابعاد .
المــادة(33): يبين الوزير بقرار منه الاجراءات التي تتبع في اصدار قرار الابعاد واعلانه وتنفيذه .
المــادة(34): تشكل لجنة الابعاد على النحو التالي: -
1- وكيل وزارة الداخلية المختص رئيسا
2- وكيل وزارة الداخلية لقطاع الامن الداخلي عضوا
3- رئيس مصلحة الهجرة والجوازات والجنسية عضوا
4- مدير عام الشئون القانونية بوزارة الداخلية عضوا
5- مدير عام الشئون العربية والاجنبية بالمصلحة عضوا ومقررا
وتنعقد اللجنة بناء على طلب رئيسها ويشترط لصحة انعقاد اللجنة حضور الرئيس وثلاثة اعضاء على الاقل وتصدر القرارات باغلبية الاعضاء الحاضرين وعند تساوي الاصوات يرجح الجانب الذي منه الرئيس ويبلغ رايها للوزير على وجه السرعة .
المــادة(35): على المصلحة اخطار الاجنبي الصادر بشانه قرار الابعاد كتابيا وتبين اللائحة شكل الاخطار والمدة التي يجب على الاجنبي المغادرة خلالها .
المــادة(36): لا يسمح للاجنبي الذي سبق ابعاده بالعودة الى اراضي الجمهورية الا بقرار الوزير .
المــادة(37): للمصلحة او من تخوله حق اخراج اي اجنبي يتمكن من الدخول الى اراضي الجمهورية باي طريقة كانت .
الفصل السادس: الإعفاءات
المــادة(38): لا تسري احكام دخول واقامة الاجانب على:
1- اعضاء السلك الدبلوماسي والقنصلي الاجنبي المعتمدين في الجمهورية طالما كانوا في خدمة الدولة التي يمثلونها وفقا للقانون الدولي ، اما اعضاء السلكين الدبلوماسي والقنصلي غير المعتمدين في الجمهورية فتتبع بشانها مبدا المعاملة بالمثل .
2- ملاحي السفن والطائرات القادمة الى الجمهورية الذين يحملون وثائق سفر بحرية او جوية من السلطات المختصة التابعين لها ويجب التاشير على هذه الوثائق من سلطات الجوازات بالموانئ والمطارات عند دخولهم اراضي الجمهورية او النزول فيها او مغادرتها ولا تخول هذه التاشيرة حق الاقامة الا خلال مدة بقاء السفينة او الطائرات في المطار .
3- ركاب السفن والطائرات التي ترسو وتهبط في موانئ ومطارات الجمهورية للذين ترخص لهم السلطات المختصة بالنزول والبقاء مؤقتا في اراضيها خلال مدة بقاء السفينة او الطائرة في المطار على ان لا يتجاوز ذلك مدة اسبوع ويجب على ربابنة السفن والطائرات قبل الرحيل ابلاغ ادارة الهجرة عن تخلف اي راكب غادر السفينة او الطائرة وتسليمها جواز سفره فان لم يكتشف امره الا بعد الرحيل وجب عليهم ان يبلغوا تلك السلطات باسماء المتخلفين وجنسياتهم برقيا وان يرسلوا وثائق سفرهم باسرع الوسائل من اول ميناء او مطار يصلون اليه .
4- المعفون بموجب اتفاقيات دولية تكون الجمهورية طرفا فيها وذلك في حدود تلك الاتفاقيات .
5- من يرى الوزير اعفائه باذن خاص لاعتبارات خاصة بالمجالات الدولية .
الفصل السابع: العقوبـــات
المــادة(39): ا: كل من امتنع عن تنفيذ القرارات الصادرة بالابعاد يعاقب بالحبس مدة لا تزيد عن ثلاثة اشهر
وبغرامة لا تزيد على (3000) ثلاثة الاف ريال او باحدى هاتين العقوبتين وذلك مع عدم الاخلال بتنفيذ قرار الابعاد .
ب: كل من خالف حكم المادة (26) يعاقب بالغاء اقامته او بغرامة لا تزيد على (3000) ثلاثة الاف ريال .
المــادة(40): يعاقب كل من يخالف المادة (36) بالحبس لمدة لا تزيد عن ستة اشهر مع عدم الاخلال باي عقوبة اشد منصوص عليها بالقوانين الاخرى .
المــادة(41): مع عدم الاخلال باية عقوبة اشد تنص عليها قوانين اخرى يعاقب بالحبس مدة لا تزيد عن ستة اشهر وبغرامة لا تزيد عن (3000) ثلاثة الاف ريال او باحدى هاتين العقوبتين كل من ابدى امام السلطة المختصة اقوالا كاذبة او قدم اليها اوراقا غير صحيحة مع علمه بذلك لتسهيل دخوله الجمهورية او اقامته فيها او دخول غيره او اقامته فيها وتضاعف العقوبة اذا كان المخالف من رعايا دول في حالة حرب مع الجمهورية
المــادة(42): يعاقب بالحبس مدة لا تزيد عن ستة اشهر وبغرامة لا تتجاوز (3000) ثلاثة الف ريال او باحدى هاتين العقوبتين كل من خالف احكام المواد (25،23،21،17،15،13،11،9) والقرارات الصادرة تنفيذا لها .
المــادة(43): استثناء من الحكم الوارد في المادة (17) بشان الاجنبي الذي تنتهي اقامته دون تجديد او لم يحصل على اقامة يعاقب بدفع مبلغ (30) ريال عن كل يوم ويحق للوزير او من يفوضه الاعفاء لاعذار يقبلها حسبما هو مبين في اللائحة .
المــادة(44): مع عدم الاخلال باية عقوبة اشد تنص عليها القوانين الاخرى يعاقب بالحبس مدة لا تزيد عن ستة اشهر وبغرامة لا تزيد عن (3000) ثلاثة الاف ريال او باحدى هاتين العقوبتين كل من ابدى امام السلطات المختصة اقوالا كاذبة او قدم اليها اوراقا غير صحيحة مع علمه بذلك لتسهيل حصوله او حصول غيره على تاشيرة خروج تتيح له مغادرة الجمهورية .
المــادة(45): يجوز في الاحوال المبينة في المواد ( 17،6،3) علاوة على العقوبات المنصوص عليها القرار بابعاد الاجنبي كما يجوز للسلطة المختصة القاء القبض على اي اجنبي يدخل او يبقى في اليمن بغير اذن ووضعه تحت الحراسة او الافراج عنه بكفالة تمهيدا لاتخاذ الاجراءات بشانه .
المــادة(46): يعاقب الاجنبي الذي يتمكن من الدخول بطريقة غير مشروعة بالحبس لمدة لا تزيد عن سنة فضلا عن اخراجه .
المــادة(47): تستقطع نسبة 30% من مبالغ الغرامة المتحصلة عن طريق المصلحة وتصرف بمعرفتها للعاملين على تحصيلها وتبين اللائحة طريقة الاستقطاع والصرف منها والاجراءات اللازمة لذلك .
المــادة(48): يلغى القانون رقم (80) لسنة1977م بشان دخول واقامة الاجانب الصادر في صنعاء والقانون رقم (28) لسنة1969م بشان قانون الهجرة الصادر بعدن كما يلغى اي حكم او نص يتعارض مع احكامه .
المــادة(49): تصدر اللائحة التنفيذية لهذا القرار بالقانون بقرار جمهوري بعد موافقة مجلس الوزراء .
المــادة(50): يعمل بهذا القرار بقانون من تاريخ صدوره وينشر في الجريدة الرسمية .Decree https://yemeni-lawyers.123.st/forum
Law No. (47) for the year 1991
On entry and residence of foreigners

Chairman of the Presidency: -
- Having reviewed the Declaration of the Republic of Yemen.
- The Constitution of the Republic of Yemen.
- And the Republican Decree No. (1) of 1990 formation of the Council of Ministers.
- After approval of the Council presidency.
Chapter I: Naming and definitions
Article (1): This is called the law (the law of entry and stay of foreigners).
Article (2) For the purposes of this decree law shall have the words and phrases contained therein about the meanings respectively assigned to them unless the context indicates otherwise.
- Republic: The Republic of Yemen.
- Ministry: The Ministry of Interior and Security
- Minister: The Minister of Interior and Security.
- Interest: the interest of the Immigration and Nationality and Passports
- The officer concerned: entrusted to him from any act of interest.
- Minor: not reached the age of eighteen.
- Adult: who has reached the age of eighteen.
- Foreign: anyone who does not enjoy the Yemeni nationality.
- Visa: Approval to enter the foreign territory of the Republic of the signal before the Authority or the Yemeni consul or his representative or any party authorized by the Government of the Republic for this purpose. .
- Direction: foreign re-entered the territory of the Republic illegally outside border of the decision of the competent authority.
- Residence document: the document containing the permission to reside in a foreign territory of the Republic issued by a competent authority of Yemen.
- Dimensions: request the competent authority of a foreign resident in the territory of the Republic in his project out of it.
- Visa Check-out: approval of the competent authority to leave the foreign territory of the Republic indicate in his passport.
Chapter II: The entry of foreign
Article (3) is not permissible for foreigners entering the territory of the Republic only if the holder of a valid passport issued by the competent authority in his country or a document the place of that authority and entitle the holder the right to return to his country, and must be Mark passport or document with permission to enter and be issued a visa access to the passport from the presidency of the Authority or any body authorized by the Government of the Republic for this purpose.
Article (4): The Minister of Interior decision to relieve him to some of the nationals of some Arab countries and others to obtain a visa on condition of reciprocity after approval of the Council of Ministers.
Article (5): shows the list of the situation and conditions that must be for foreigners to follow before they leave the territory of the Republic and how to obtain the authorization for such regulations shall explain the conditions for granting permission and authority licensed to grant him and the validity and amount of the fee, which is obtained for and exemption from access to the ear.
Article (6): may not be a foreigner entering the territory of the Republic or out of it except from the places specified by the Minister of the Interior issued a decision and it should signal the officer concerned on the passport or the document that you filed for the benefit of entering or leaving, as the case.
Article (7): shows a decision of the Minister of the Interior in coordination with the Minister of Foreign types of visas and their validity, conditions and procedures for granting and granting authority with the exemption of fees owed and cases of exemption from obtaining this visa and exemption of fees due from it in whole or in part.
Article (Cool: must be masters of ships, aircraft or its institutions when they arrive to the territory of the Republic or departure be brought to the officer concerned disclosure of the names of pilots, ships or aircraft and its passengers and their data and that they must inform the competent authorities of the names of passengers who do not have passports or carrying passports are incorrect or not valid and they have a n stop them from leaving the ship or plane or climb it.
Chapter III: Registration of foreigners
Article (9): Each foreigner to apply himself after entering the territory of the Republic to the office of registration of foreigners or the police department in the region of residence and free admission for his personal situation and the purpose of attending the show Regulations procedures and conditions, duration and other data.
Article (10): exempt from the rule of the previous article with foreign private residence provided for in Article (19) when they return to the Republic, provided that not more than for their absence abroad for six continuous months.
Article (11): Every foreigner before the change of place of residence within the Republic to inform foreigners registration office or the police department, who lives in his new address and if moved to another area within the Republic, he must also apply to the foreign registration office or the competent police headquarters in the region which moved them within 48 hours from the time he arrived and reported the new address and shall be exempt from this provision of foreigners who reside on a tourist visa within the period specified in the Regulations.
Article (12): It is permissible to exempt foreign conditions present himself in accordance with the provisions of Article (9) for special considerations courtesies of international or excuses acceptable in this case Yun acknowledge in writing on the form prepared for that to be delivered to the office of registration of foreigners within the period specified in the Regulations.
Article (13): should managers hotels or any place else like this as well as all of jackals foreign or pay him the object of residence to inform the registration desk or the police headquarters, located in his constituency a dwelling foreign name of this foreign place of residence within 48 hours from the time coming it. . . It shall likewise reported to leave the foreign within 48 hours.
Article (14): on foreigners during the period of their stay in the Republic must submit a passport or document that you take his place, and other papers when requested to do so and to make as are required of the data and that present themselves upon request to the Presidency of the Authority or its departments or department Police concerned on the date which determines them, and they must in case of lost or damaged passport or document to inform the police department within 48 hours from the date of loss or damage and they have footage of the travel document and residence permit in cases of movement from one area to another.
Article (15): Any person who uses a foreigner to get permission so by the competent authorities and he has to submit to the Office for registration of foreigners or the police station which is located the place of work in his admission on the prescribed form within 48 hours from the time of enrollment of foreign his service and according to the the end of the foreign service must submit a registration to the office so foreign or police station within 48 hours of uninterrupted relationship with him.
Article (16): The President of excuses accepted by the stakeholders to be authorized to waive the non-observance of the provisions of Articles (17,15,14,11,9) of this Act.
Chapter Four: The residence permit
Article (17): Every foreigner that have obtained permission to reside and he has to leave the territory of the Republic at the end of the period of his residence unless he has obtained before a license from the head of the department to extend the residence in accordance with the provisions of this law.
Article (18): divides the foreigners in terms of accommodation into three categories:
1 - set up with foreign private.
2 - foreigners with the establishment of normal.
3 - foreigners with temporary residence.
Article (19): those with foreign residency are:
A: Foreigners who have been their residence in the Republic (20) twenty one consecutive year prior to the date of this law and they had entered the territory legally and do useful work for the national economy or performing services for scientific, cultural or art of the country that defines the business decision of the Minister.
B: foreigners who have been their residence for more than five continuous years prior to the date of this law and they had entered the territory legally and do useful work for the national economy or performing services for scientific, cultural or art of the country that defines the business decision of the Minister.
A: Scientists and men of literature and art, industry, economy and others who perform a valuable service to the country and exported in the prerogative decision of the Minister of the Interior is authorized to members of these groups in residence for ten years, renewed upon request, unless they are in one of the cases provided for in Article (31) does not benefit from residence only person authorized by him and his minor children who live in Islamic rule until they reach the age of eighteen years, as well as his wife if he had been to set up legitimate in the Republic two years from the date of the announcement the head of the marriage and the marital remain.
Article (20): foreigners with regular residence are the ones who went to their residence in the Republic of fifteen consecutive year prior to the date of this law and they had entered the country legally and authorized to members of this class in residence for a period of five years may be renewed.
Article (21): The executive regulations of this law, the conditions, procedures and extended the stay of foreign women and wives of Yemenis as well as the Yemeni foreign couples from marriage and the resulting effects.
Article (22): Foreigners with temporary residence are the ones who do not meet the conditions set forth in the preceding two articles may be granted a license to members of this class a maximum period of residence in the year and may be renewed.
Article (23): Notwithstanding the provisions of Article (22) The President of the interest that gives some foreigners set up for three years, subject to renewal, to considerations of the nature of their business such as workers to oil companies and their derivatives and directors of companies and banks, the terms and conditions and procedures set forth in the regulations.
Article (24): shows the list in the licensing procedures for residence and request an appointment.
Article (25) is not permissible for a member of the categories referred to in articles (20.19) absence abroad for a period not exceeding six months unless it gets before leaving or before the expiry of this period, permission from the head of the department of excuses accepted shall not be more than period of absence abroad for two years and the consequent violation of the provisions developed in the fall of the right of the foreign residence of the licensee with the exception of foreigners who were absent for the application of science in schools, colleges and foreign universities or compulsory service if offered to prove it.
Article (26): It is not permitted for one of the two categories referred to in articles (20.19) absence for non-exempt purposes mentioned in the preceding article without obtaining advance permission from the head of the department.
Article (27): The Minister shall determine the decision from the forms and conditions of travel document that is given to certain categories of foreigners, refugees and the conditions and procedures for granting and propose the amount of fees that it Tthsal and cases of exemption in whole or in part.
Article (28): determined by a decision of the Minister, the rules and procedures for inclusion of names of people banned from entering or leaving the territory of the Republic in the menus so special and how to remove them and the relevant committees to determine whether it does not implement the decision of this Committee only after the adoption of the Minister.
Article (29): issued by the Minister of Interior decision forms and the conditions of residence cards and forms set forth in this law and the data contained in those models and representations.
Chapter Five: expulsion
Article (30): The Minister's decision is entitled him to keep any foreigner upon the decision of his removal from the Commission dimensional.
Article (31): An alien with a residence, unless his presence threatens the state security and safety at home or abroad or national economy or public health or morals, or was dependent on the state and issue a decision of the Minister dimensions after the matter to the Committee provided for in Article (34) and after the approval of the Prime Minister.
Article (32): taking into account the legal proceedings to the Minister of Internal Security and order the book from the view keep him until the deportation proceedings.
Article (33): it shows the Minister's decision procedures to be followed in issuing the decision-dimensional announcement and implementation.
Article (34): A committee dimensions as follows: -
1 - Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior competent president
2 - Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior to the internal security sector member
3 - head of the Immigration and Nationality member
4 - Director General of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Interior Member
5 - General Manager of Arab affairs and foreign interest member and rapporteur
The Committee meets at the request of its President and the soundness of the Committee to attend the President and at least three members and any decision by a majority of members present and when the vote is likely equal to the side of the President and the Minister of its opinion expeditiously.
Article (35): On the dangers of foreign interest decision has been issued in writing and dimensional regulations shall indicate the form of threats and how long they should leave, during which foreign.
Article (36): Do not allow an alien who has already deported to return to the territory of the Republic, but the decision of the Minister.
Article (37): the interest or right conferred able to remove any foreigner from entering the territory of the Republic in any way whatsoever.
Chapter VI: Exemptions
Article (38): Do not apply the provisions of entry and stay of foreigners on:
1 - members of the diplomatic and consular corps accredited in the Republic of the foreign as long as they were in the service of the state they represent, in accordance with international law, either members of the diplomatic and consular corps accredited in the Republic is about it follows the principle of reciprocity.
2 - pilots, ships and aircraft coming into the Republic holding travel documents naval or air from the competent authorities of its affiliates, should Mark these documents from the authorities passports ports and airports as they enter the territory of the Republic or disembark in or leave does not give the visa, the right of residence only during the duration of the ship or aircraft at the airport.
3 - passenger ships and aircraft dock and landing in the ports and airports of the Republic for those who authorized them to the appropriate authorities to disembark and stay temporarily in its territory during the duration of the ship or aircraft at the airport that is not later than one week and must be masters of ships and aircraft prior to departure to inform the Immigration Department for failure of any passengers left the ship or aircraft and handed over the passport did not discover until after his order to leave them that shall inform those authorities of the names and nationalities retarded wire and send in their travel documents as soon as the means of the first port or airport, praying to him.
4 - exempt under international agreements to which the Republic is a party within the limits of those conventions.
5 - see the Minister of exempting him special permission for special considerations of international areas.
Chapter VII: Penalties
Article (39): A: Both declined to implement the decisions of the dimensions shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than three months
And a fine of not more than (3000) three thousand Riyals or either penalty and without prejudice to the implementation of the decision-dimensional.
B: Any person who violates the provisions of Article (26) to cancel his or punished by a fine of not more than (3000) three thousand riyals.
Article (40): Any person who contravenes Article (36) imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months without prejudice to any severer penalty provided for by other laws.
Article (41): Without prejudice to any severer penalty provided for in other laws shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than six months and a fine of not more than (3000) three thousand riyals or by either of the two penalties both expressed in front of the competent authority statements false or was presented with papers is correct knowingly to facilitate the entry of the Republic or his stay in or enter the residence or other penalty shall be doubled if the violator of the nationals of countries at war with the Republic of
Article (42): punishable by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months and a fine not exceeding (3000) three thousand riyals or by either of the two penalties Whoever violates the provisions of Articles (25,23,21,17,15,13,11,9) and decisions of the implementation thereof.
Article (43): an exception to the rule contained in Article (17) on the foreigner who ends his stay without renewing or did not get to set up a punishable pay (30) Real for each day are entitled to the minister or his authorized representative exemption for excuses accepted as outlined in the regulations.
Article (44): Without prejudice to any severer penalty provided for in other laws shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than six months and a fine of not more than (3000) three thousand riyals or by either of the two penalties both expressed in front of the competent authorities statements false or was presented with papers is correct knowingly to facilitate the obtaining or get others to allow him an exit visa to leave the Republic.
Article (45): It is permissible in the circumstances set out in Articles (17,6,3) in addition to the penalties provided for the decision to expel foreign as the competent authority may arrest any foreigner enters or remains in Yemen without the permission and put under guard or release him on bail in preparation to take action regarding that matter.
Article (46): Anyone who is able to foreign entry of illegal imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, as well as take it out.
Article (47): deduct 30% of the amount of fines collected by the interest and acted on their own staff to collect and show the regulation deduction and disbursement of and procedures to do so.
Article (48): Law No. (80) of 1977 on entry and stay of foreigners in Sana'a issued Law No. (28) for the year 1969, on the Immigration Act of Aden is hereby repealed rule or any provision inconsistent with its provisions.
Article (49): The executive regulations of this decision the law by presidential decree after approval of the Council of Ministers.
Article (50): This decision by law from the date of issuance and shall be published in the Official Gazette


عدد المساهمات : 90
تاريخ التسجيل : 30/01/2012
العمر : 44


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مُساهمة  Admin الأحد مارس 11, 2012 3:04 am

Law No. (47) for the year 1991
On entry and residence of foreigners

Chairman of the Presidency: -
- Having reviewed the Declaration of the Republic of Yemen.
- The Constitution of the Republic of Yemen.
- And the Republican Decree No. (1) of 1990 formation of the Council of Ministers.
- After approval of the Council presidency.
Chapter I: Naming and definitions
Article (1): This is called the law (the law of entry and stay of foreigners).
Article (2) For the purposes of this decree law shall have the words and phrases contained therein about the meanings respectively assigned to them unless the context indicates otherwise.
- Republic: The Republic of Yemen.
- Ministry: The Ministry of Interior and Security
- Minister: The Minister of Interior and Security.
- Interest: the interest of the Immigration and Nationality and Passports
- The officer concerned: entrusted to him from any act of interest.
- Minor: not reached the age of eighteen.
- Adult: who has reached the age of eighteen.
- Foreign: anyone who does not enjoy the Yemeni nationality.
- Visa: Approval to enter the foreign territory of the Republic of the signal before the Authority or the Yemeni consul or his representative or any party authorized by the Government of the Republic for this purpose. .
- Direction: foreign re-entered the territory of the Republic illegally outside border of the decision of the competent authority.
- Residence document: the document containing the permission to reside in a foreign territory of the Republic issued by a competent authority of Yemen.
- Dimensions: request the competent authority of a foreign resident in the territory of the Republic in his project out of it.
- Visa Check-out: approval of the competent authority to leave the foreign territory of the Republic indicate in his passport.
Chapter II: The entry of foreign
Article (3) is not permissible for foreigners entering the territory of the Republic only if the holder of a valid passport issued by the competent authority in his country or a document the place of that authority and entitle the holder the right to return to his country, and must be Mark passport or document with permission to enter and be issued a visa access to the passport from the presidency of the Authority or any body authorized by the Government of the Republic for this purpose.
Article (4): The Minister of Interior decision to relieve him to some of the nationals of some Arab countries and others to obtain a visa on condition of reciprocity after approval of the Council of Ministers.
Article (5): shows the list of the situation and conditions that must be for foreigners to follow before they leave the territory of the Republic and how to obtain the authorization for such regulations shall explain the conditions for granting permission and authority licensed to grant him and the validity and amount of the fee, which is obtained for and exemption from access to the ear.
Article (6): may not be a foreigner entering the territory of the Republic or out of it except from the places specified by the Minister of the Interior issued a decision and it should signal the officer concerned on the passport or the document that you filed for the benefit of entering or leaving, as the case.
Article (7): shows a decision of the Minister of the Interior in coordination with the Minister of Foreign types of visas and their validity, conditions and procedures for granting and granting authority with the exemption of fees owed and cases of exemption from obtaining this visa and exemption of fees due from it in whole or in part.
Article (Cool: must be masters of ships, aircraft or its institutions when they arrive to the territory of the Republic or departure be brought to the officer concerned disclosure of the names of pilots, ships or aircraft and its passengers and their data and that they must inform the competent authorities of the names of passengers who do not have passports or carrying passports are incorrect or not valid and they have a n stop them from leaving the ship or plane or climb it.
Chapter III: Registration of foreigners
Article (9): Each foreigner to apply himself after entering the territory of the Republic to the office of registration of foreigners or the police department in the region of residence and free admission for his personal situation and the purpose of attending the show Regulations procedures and conditions, duration and other data.
Article (10): exempt from the rule of the previous article with foreign private residence provided for in Article (19) when they return to the Republic, provided that not more than for their absence abroad for six continuous months.
Article (11): Every foreigner before the change of place of residence within the Republic to inform foreigners registration office or the police department, who lives in his new address and if moved to another area within the Republic, he must also apply to the foreign registration office or the competent police headquarters in the region which moved them within 48 hours from the time he arrived and reported the new address and shall be exempt from this provision of foreigners who reside on a tourist visa within the period specified in the Regulations.
Article (12): It is permissible to exempt foreign conditions present himself in accordance with the provisions of Article (9) for special considerations courtesies of international or excuses acceptable in this case Yun acknowledge in writing on the form prepared for that to be delivered to the office of registration of foreigners within the period specified in the Regulations.
Article (13): should managers hotels or any place else like this as well as all of jackals foreign or pay him the object of residence to inform the registration desk or the police headquarters, located in his constituency a dwelling foreign name of this foreign place of residence within 48 hours from the time coming it. . . It shall likewise reported to leave the foreign within 48 hours.
Article (14): on foreigners during the period of their stay in the Republic must submit a passport or document that you take his place, and other papers when requested to do so and to make as are required of the data and that present themselves upon request to the Presidency of the Authority or its departments or department Police concerned on the date which determines them, and they must in case of lost or damaged passport or document to inform the police department within 48 hours from the date of loss or damage and they have footage of the travel document and residence permit in cases of movement from one area to another.
Article (15): Any person who uses a foreigner to get permission so by the competent authorities and he has to submit to the Office for registration of foreigners or the police station which is located the place of work in his admission on the prescribed form within 48 hours from the time of enrollment of foreign his service and according to the the end of the foreign service must submit a registration to the office so foreign or police station within 48 hours of uninterrupted relationship with him.
Article (16): The President of excuses accepted by the stakeholders to be authorized to waive the non-observance of the provisions of Articles (17,15,14,11,9) of this Act.
Chapter Four: The residence permit
Article (17): Every foreigner that have obtained permission to reside and he has to leave the territory of the Republic at the end of the period of his residence unless he has obtained before a license from the head of the department to extend the residence in accordance with the provisions of this law.
Article (18): divides the foreigners in terms of accommodation into three categories:
1 - set up with foreign private.
2 - foreigners with the establishment of normal.
3 - foreigners with temporary residence.
Article (19): those with foreign residency are:
A: Foreigners who have been their residence in the Republic (20) twenty one consecutive year prior to the date of this law and they had entered the territory legally and do useful work for the national economy or performing services for scientific, cultural or art of the country that defines the business decision of the Minister.
B: foreigners who have been their residence for more than five continuous years prior to the date of this law and they had entered the territory legally and do useful work for the national economy or performing services for scientific, cultural or art of the country that defines the business decision of the Minister.
A: Scientists and men of literature and art, industry, economy and others who perform a valuable service to the country and exported in the prerogative decision of the Minister of the Interior is authorized to members of these groups in residence for ten years, renewed upon request, unless they are in one of the cases provided for in Article (31) does not benefit from residence only person authorized by him and his minor children who live in Islamic rule until they reach the age of eighteen years, as well as his wife if he had been to set up legitimate in the Republic two years from the date of the announcement the head of the marriage and the marital remain.
Article (20): foreigners with regular residence are the ones who went to their residence in the Republic of fifteen consecutive year prior to the date of this law and they had entered the country legally and authorized to members of this class in residence for a period of five years may be renewed.
Article (21): The executive regulations of this law, the conditions, procedures and extended the stay of foreign women and wives of Yemenis as well as the Yemeni foreign couples from marriage and the resulting effects.
Article (22): Foreigners with temporary residence are the ones who do not meet the conditions set forth in the preceding two articles may be granted a license to members of this class a maximum period of residence in the year and may be renewed.
Article (23): Notwithstanding the provisions of Article (22) The President of the interest that gives some foreigners set up for three years, subject to renewal, to considerations of the nature of their business such as workers to oil companies and their derivatives and directors of companies and banks, the terms and conditions and procedures set forth in the regulations.
Article (24): shows the list in the licensing procedures for residence and request an appointment.
Article (25) is not permissible for a member of the categories referred to in articles (20.19) absence abroad for a period not exceeding six months unless it gets before leaving or before the expiry of this period, permission from the head of the department of excuses accepted shall not be more than period of absence abroad for two years and the consequent violation of the provisions developed in the fall of the right of the foreign residence of the licensee with the exception of foreigners who were absent for the application of science in schools, colleges and foreign universities or compulsory service if offered to prove it.
Article (26): It is not permitted for one of the two categories referred to in articles (20.19) absence for non-exempt purposes mentioned in the preceding article without obtaining advance permission from the head of the department.
Article (27): The Minister shall determine the decision from the forms and conditions of travel document that is given to certain categories of foreigners, refugees and the conditions and procedures for granting and propose the amount of fees that it Tthsal and cases of exemption in whole or in part.
Article (28): determined by a decision of the Minister, the rules and procedures for inclusion of names of people banned from entering or leaving the territory of the Republic in the menus so special and how to remove them and the relevant committees to determine whether it does not implement the decision of this Committee only after the adoption of the Minister.
Article (29): issued by the Minister of Interior decision forms and the conditions of residence cards and forms set forth in this law and the data contained in those models and representations.
Chapter Five: expulsion
Article (30): The Minister's decision is entitled him to keep any foreigner upon the decision of his removal from the Commission dimensional.
Article (31): An alien with a residence, unless his presence threatens the state security and safety at home or abroad or national economy or public health or morals, or was dependent on the state and issue a decision of the Minister dimensions after the matter to the Committee provided for in Article (34) and after the approval of the Prime Minister.
Article (32): taking into account the legal proceedings to the Minister of Internal Security and order the book from the view keep him until the deportation proceedings.
Article (33): it shows the Minister's decision procedures to be followed in issuing the decision-dimensional announcement and implementation.
Article (34): A committee dimensions as follows: -
1 - Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior competent president
2 - Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior to the internal security sector member
3 - head of the Immigration and Nationality member
4 - Director General of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Interior Member
5 - General Manager of Arab affairs and foreign interest member and rapporteur
The Committee meets at the request of its President and the soundness of the Committee to attend the President and at least three members and any decision by a majority of members present and when the vote is likely equal to the side of the President and the Minister of its opinion expeditiously.
Article (35): On the dangers of foreign interest decision has been issued in writing and dimensional regulations shall indicate the form of threats and how long they should leave, during which foreign.
Article (36): Do not allow an alien who has already deported to return to the territory of the Republic, but the decision of the Minister.
Article (37): the interest or right conferred able to remove any foreigner from entering the territory of the Republic in any way whatsoever.
Chapter VI: Exemptions
Article (38): Do not apply the provisions of entry and stay of foreigners on:
1 - members of the diplomatic and consular corps accredited in the Republic of the foreign as long as they were in the service of the state they represent, in accordance with international law, either members of the diplomatic and consular corps accredited in the Republic is about it follows the principle of reciprocity.
2 - pilots, ships and aircraft coming into the Republic holding travel documents naval or air from the competent authorities of its affiliates, should Mark these documents from the authorities passports ports and airports as they enter the territory of the Republic or disembark in or leave does not give the visa, the right of residence only during the duration of the ship or aircraft at the airport.
3 - passenger ships and aircraft dock and landing in the ports and airports of the Republic for those who authorized them to the appropriate authorities to disembark and stay temporarily in its territory during the duration of the ship or aircraft at the airport that is not later than one week and must be masters of ships and aircraft prior to departure to inform the Immigration Department for failure of any passengers left the ship or aircraft and handed over the passport did not discover until after his order to leave them that shall inform those authorities of the names and nationalities retarded wire and send in their travel documents as soon as the means of the first port or airport, praying to him.
4 - exempt under international agreements to which the Republic is a party within the limits of those conventions.
5 - see the Minister of exempting him special permission for special considerations of international areas.
Chapter VII: Penalties
Article (39): A: Both declined to implement the decisions of the dimensions shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than three months
And a fine of not more than (3000) three thousand Riyals or either penalty and without prejudice to the implementation of the decision-dimensional.
B: Any person who violates the provisions of Article (26) to cancel his or punished by a fine of not more than (3000) three thousand riyals.
Article (40): Any person who contravenes Article (36) imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months without prejudice to any severer penalty provided for by other laws.
Article (41): Without prejudice to any severer penalty provided for in other laws shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than six months and a fine of not more than (3000) three thousand riyals or by either of the two penalties both expressed in front of the competent authority statements false or was presented with papers is correct knowingly to facilitate the entry of the Republic or his stay in or enter the residence or other penalty shall be doubled if the violator of the nationals of countries at war with the Republic of
Article (42): punishable by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months and a fine not exceeding (3000) three thousand riyals or by either of the two penalties Whoever violates the provisions of Articles (25,23,21,17,15,13,11,9) and decisions of the implementation thereof.
Article (43): an exception to the rule contained in Article (17) on the foreigner who ends his stay without renewing or did not get to set up a punishable pay (30) Real for each day are entitled to the minister or his authorized representative exemption for excuses accepted as outlined in the regulations.
Article (44): Without prejudice to any severer penalty provided for in other laws shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than six months and a fine of not more than (3000) three thousand riyals or by either of the two penalties both expressed in front of the competent authorities statements false or was presented with papers is correct knowingly to facilitate the obtaining or get others to allow him an exit visa to leave the Republic.
Article (45): It is permissible in the circumstances set out in Articles (17,6,3) in addition to the penalties provided for the decision to expel foreign as the competent authority may arrest any foreigner enters or remains in Yemen without the permission and put under guard or release him on bail in preparation to take action regarding that matter.
Article (46): Anyone who is able to foreign entry of illegal imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, as well as take it out.
Article (47): deduct 30% of the amount of fines collected by the interest and acted on their own staff to collect and show the regulation deduction and disbursement of and procedures to do so.
Article (48): Law No. (80) of 1977 on entry and stay of foreigners in Sana'a issued Law No. (28) for the year 1969, on the Immigration Act of Aden is hereby repealed rule or any provision inconsistent with its provisions.
Article (49): The executive regulations of this decision the law by presidential decree after approval of the Council of Ministers.
Article (50): This decision by law from the date of issuance and shall be published in the Official Gazette

عدد المساهمات : 90
تاريخ التسجيل : 30/01/2012
العمر : 44


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